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Here we will feature a few books about love and relationships between a black woman and a white man. We invite you to read these and let us know what you think! Share your thoughts with others.  Got any to suggest?  Let us know!

A Risk of Rain

by Dar Tomlinson

When Beau St. Cyr finds himself caddyless as the PGA tour begins, he has no choice but to hire his ex-wife, Perri Hardin, for the job. She may have walked out on him years ago, but he knows she can coax the best from him so he can accomplish his life's goal -- the coveted grand slam of golf. The couple's pairing on the world's best courses brings back all the heartache that accompanied the dissolution of their brief marriage. It also stirs up old hatreds, lingering jealousies, death threats and mysterious parties' determination to keep Perri and Beau apart -- on the circuit and behind closed doors.

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